Video edited by Farley Collins, and motion graphics by Maggie Huang in collaboration with Mount Hood Community College. Music: “Gamelan On” by Fake Estate, courtesy of Marmoset Music.

Artists & performers, we want you!

Why should you apply? PDXWLF provides an opportunity to present your art to a wide-ranging audience, fostering connections with fellow artists and potential collaborators. Be part of reshaping our cityscape with your creativity, contributing to a mesmerizing display of light, color, and imagination.

This call is for individual artists, artist groups, and performers. One installation per application; multiple applications are ok. One designated contact per application. Artists from BIPOC communities, LGBTQIA+ communities, artists with disabilities, and other historically underrepresented groups are encouraged to apply, even if they have not shown professionally in the past. 

The 2025 festival is February 7 – 15, and the theme is A Light For Tomorrow.

As in previous years, installations must include a lighting component and can take the form of light-based art, sculptures in windows, colorful and creative outdoor lighting, installations in your own yard or neighborhood, video projections, a performance that incorporates light, and more. All installations and performances must be family-friendly and suitable for a diverse audience. 

We encourage artists to find their own venue to show their installations. Light up your buildings, exteriors, houses, and yards. Find a local business that would like to showcase your work. Ask your neighbors to be involved and create a light community around your PDXWLF exhibition.

If you have artwork you’d like to show and have a venue to show your work in, please fill out this ‘art with location’ form.

PDXWLF will work to match artists to available venues. In some cases, we may love your work but not be able to find an appropriate place for the installation. In that case, we encourage you to apply again next year.

We will be placing your art in either indoor or outdoor locations. Indoor locations include pop-up sites in windows, storefronts, and empty retail spaces and can typically display slightly smaller pieces. Outdoor-suitable art may be placed at one of the outdoor anchor art locations or other venues. Please indicate on your application if your piece suits indoor or outdoor displays. Note that the weather can be severe in February, and if it is suitable for outdoor display, no coverage from the elements will be available.  

The festival takes place over nine days. We request that, when possible, all art in pop-up locations be illuminated throughout the festival. The outdoor art placed at anchor sites (World Trade Center, Pioneer Courthouse Square & Electric Blocks) will only be illuminated on Fridays and Saturdays.

In some venues, artists must provide their own insurance policy.

The general call for art opens July 8 and closes September 20, 2024.

If you have any questions, please reach out to Chris Herring at [email protected] or Misty Post at [email protected].

Artists That need a venue

Do you have art that needs a venue? This application is for you! Click the green button!

Application deadline: 5 PM September 20, 2024

Artists with Location

Do you have a confirmed location that wants to show your art? Great, click the pink button!

Application deadline: 5 PM September 20, 2024

Video edited by Sean McCoy, and motion graphics by Maggie Huang in collaboration with Mount Hood Community College. Music: “Red Sun” by Pom Kanel, courtesy of Marmoset Music.


Application deadline: 5 PM September 20, 2024

Frequently Asked Questions

Art is assessed on a competitive basis based on the quality of design, form, and concept, and all artwork must incorporate light as a central component. We review submissions to assess feasibility if the proposal can be executed safely, the history of work of the applicants, the vision for the installation, and how the pieces work with the other installations. In placing the installations, we keep in mind the availability of venues and logistics, as well as the quality and care put into fabrication.

There will be competitive stipends available to artists between approximately $100 – $3,000 for assistance with materials and supplies for creating artwork. This includes reimbursement for equipment needed for installation, materials, transportation, insurance, labor for installation, etc. 

If you are requesting a stipend, we require a budget detailing how you plan to use the funds. Funds will be allocated based on a competitive assessment of the budget and art installation. Artists are expected to install and strike their artwork and provide a budget for all needed equipment.

Performers will be paid a stipend for each performance. 

We receive hundreds of submissions and review them all very carefully to determine if the proposals are sound and what best fits where. We ask lots of questions about the venues and the artists to figure out the flow and how the pieces work together. We will begin notifying artists in mid-October on a rolling basis until November 8th. 

Great! You should fill out this form: Art with Location

We encourage artists to find their own venues! Please fill out this form: Art with Location. PDXWLF will be curating the location of artwork at all Festival venues. 

Yes, as long as there is a light component, we will consider 2D art. We are always looking for pieces that can go in windows, and it’s a bonus if they are double-sided.

No, we do not allow vending on-site in any locations where we program an artist or performer. You can have your works for sale but not actively sell them at the Festival. You can have your works for sale if you provide your own location. 

No, this is a free Festival and we require there be no cover charge during the hours of the Festival – 6 pm – 10 pm. You may have other events happening as long as there is art free for the public to view as well.

Please contact Chris Herring at [email protected] or Misty Post at [email protected] before September 16th so the art team has time to respond.